Frequently Asked Questions
At what resolution should I save my photos and graphics?
Pictures and graphics pulled from the internet are often low resolution, typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi. Avoid these graphics, as they will appear pixilated and blocky when printed.
Also note that you should save all photos in CMYK mode, not RGB mode when possible. Images saved in RGB mode may not print properly. If you are unable to save your image in CYMK mode, please let us know.
How do I go about getting a quote from you?
How long does it take for you to complete my order?
Is white considered a printing color?
How should I save and send my files
We can accept all native adobe & quark files.
Adobe Photoshop:
Save Photoshop file and include any placed images / fonts
• Embed all Images
• Embed or Convert all your text/copy to outline fonts
• Export as Adobe PDF (Press Quality + Bleeds)
Adobe Illustrator:
Save Illustrator file and include any placed images / fonts
• Embed all Images
• Embed or Convert all your text/copy to outline fonts
• Export as Adobe PDF (Press Quality + Bleeds)
Adobe Indesign:
Packaging your adobe Indesign file for print
• Embed all Images
• Embed or Convert all your text/copy to outline fonts
• Export as Adobe PDF (Press Quality + Bleeds)
What file format should I use when submitting my electronic document for printing?
What is a “proof” ?
What is the Pantone Matching System?
What type of products and services do you provide?
Why do the printed colors look different from the colors on my screen?
In short, printers and monitors produce colors in different ways.
Monitors use the RGB (red, green, blue) color model, which usually supports a wider spectrum of colors. Printers use the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color model, which can reproduce most—but not all—of the colors in the RGB color model. Depending on the equipment used, CMYK generally matches 85–90% of the colors in the RGB model.
When a color is selected from the RGB model that is out of the range of the CMYK model, the application chooses what it thinks is the closest color that will match. Programs such Adobe Photoshop will allow you to choose which color will be replaced. Others may not.